Sunday, June 2, 2013


We all go through transitions in our life, changes. Some are unexpected, and can be overwhelming. Sometimes, we just want to throw in the towel, and simply give up. There was a point and time in my life where I had lost hope. I lost all joy. I felt my spirit being crushed. I had lost all self worth.

Sometimes, the transitions we go through can seem so devastating at first, but don't lose hope. Never lose hope. Dig deep within yourself, and find that hidden inner strength, its there, you just have to dig deep. Believe me, I know. I had to dig really deep to find that inner strength, because for the last year, I went through one transition after another.

I have found myself in a new transition, yet again. I am nervous, I am scared,  but I have inner strength, I am strong. Not only is this a new transition, its a life change, a major life change. 
I have fear, yet I have hope.  I have tears, yet I have joy. I have sleepless nights, yet I have dreams. 
I have a new life ahead of me. I am scared as hell, but I have renewed strength and energy and I am ready to embark on this new journey....destination unknown. 

I am ready to embrace the beauty of this life, and live it with passion! 


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